Sport activity for aged elderly people on retirement elderly chair exercise stock illustrations Old senior woman cartoon character doing training workout with... Old senior woman cartoon character ...
There are different types of movement and exercise that are more suitable to people depending on the stage of dementia and their physical abilities. Physical activity, movement and exercise for people ...
Many people find that physical activity makes them feel more positive and more likely to keep doing the things they enjoy. Even short periods of light exercise are more beneficial than not exercising ...
How many elderly are there in the Netherlands? On 1 January , the Netherlands had inhabitants aged 65 years and over. This represents percent of the population. Population ageing in the Netherlands ...
But in 2050, there will be a sharp increase in the number of elderly people living alone with no children, siblings or other close relatives. The central government plans to initiate two model ...
Life expectancy is expected to reach 84.95 years for men and 91.35 years for women by 2065. The percentage of people aged 65 and over (the percentage of the elderly) has also been increasing and is ...
exercise. Our recent study, published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, challenges the common belief that people with lung cancer are too sick to be physically active. In fact ...
In the run-up this weekend, you may hear lots of vocabulary surrounding 運動 (undō, exercise) and 健康 (kenkō, health) as a result. 普段何か運動してる? (Fudan nanika undō shiteru?, ...
The French press isn't just for making coffee anymore! People are doing the "French press" exercise to sculpt muscular, toned triceps—and it works like a charm. If building bigger arm muscles is at ...
1 〈場所〉を目的地にして 1a 〈物〉(の獲得)を目的にして 1b 〈事〉(の実現)を目ざして 1c 〈人〉(の利益)のために 2 〈物〉と交換(を目的に)して 2a …(に相当する)として 2b …(に相当する)理由で 2c ...
goo辞書は無料で使える辞書・辞典の検索サービスです。1999年にポータルサイト初の辞書サービスとして提供を開始しました。出版社による信頼性の高い語学辞典(国語辞書、英和辞書、和英辞書、類語辞書、四字熟語、漢字など)と多種多様な専門用語集を ...