Choosing the best electronic tools for pinpointing structure-loving fish can help you find more success while on the water.
The transducer is the part of the fish finder that actually does the finding, and it does it through sonar. Transducers are responsible for taking power, converting it into sound, interpreting the ...
[Lindsay] has a wonderful writeup about a new toy in the shop, an ultrasonic transducer. The 28kHz, 70W bolt-clamped Langevin transducer by itself is not much use, you need a power supply ...
Can you blame him? More recently, he’s been researching sonar sensing and experimenting with the relatively inexpensive HC-SR04 module. Since he had good luck getting it to work with a PC sound ...
A sonar transducer or transducer array is analogous to an antenna. Some transducers can be trained through 360 , while others are trainable through a more limited sector such as 90 . From knowledge of ...
Active sonar and acoustic communication systems rely on electroacoustic transducers which "project" sound that is subsequently detected by hydrophones through a direct path or reflection from a target ...
Although the temperatures might lead us to believe differently, we have entered into autumn. Despite warmer than normal ...
China has been building up its military in recent years (file photo) Australia has accused China's navy of using sonar pulses in an incident in international waters that resulted in Australian ...